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Improve that 15-Minute Wait at the Pharmacy

If you are reading this, the odds are you have tried waiting in line for your medication to be filled at your local pharmacy in Texas and to be completely honest that is not any patient’s favorite task to do. Patients experiencing certain conditions might find it unproductive and discouraging to hang out at the … Continue reading

Posted in Pharmacy

Missed a Dose? Here’s What You Should Do

Patients sometimes forget to take their medication at normal times, which may cause problems due to the reason that missing a dose lessens the efficacy of the medicine and taking doses too close together may increase the risk of side effects. Local pharmacies in Texas find it difficult to give general guidance on what to … Continue reading

Posted in Missed Dose

Patient Engagement: Informed Patients Make Safer Choices

Independent pharmacies are encouraged to apply patient engagement strategies at work and for several reasons. Patient engagement has three primary benefits that can improve both patient experience and healthcare business success: Enhanced patient satisfaction Improved treatment outcomes Improved financial and operational efficiency Engagement is contingent on shared decision-making (SDM), which is defined by the Office … Continue reading

Pharmacies Ready to Take on Diabetes Care

Independent pharmacies have never been in a better position to take on the role of chronic disease managers than in the current landscape by managing people with diabetes. Too many people with diabetes and not enough healthcare professionals to go around has resulted in less than half of diabetes patients achieving good glycemic control and … Continue reading

Posted in Diabetes Care

Drug Overdose: Know the Signs and Ways to Avoid It

Prescriptions and even over-the-counter medicines can cause harm in your body when you take too many of them. You increase the risk of a drug overdose when you ingest more than what your body needs. Your tolerance to overdose varies with your age, health condition, how you consume your drug, and other factors. You may … Continue reading

Posted in Drug Overdose

Compelling Reasons Why You Should Consult a Pharmacist

Your family’s health shouldn’t be taken for granted! So when someone in the family gets sick, it’s a must to consult an expert on what meds or supplements to take to help your loved ones heal faster. But why should you visit a reliable pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas and seek guidance from a pharmacist? … Continue reading