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Eating Carbs If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Eating Carbs If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

If you are living with diabetes, you’ve probably gotten the message that you should avoid carbohydrates and build your diet on protein and fat instead. Not only is this extreme approach lacking in scientific evidence, but it can also make people feel so restricted by having to eliminate their favorite foods that they end up weight-cycling, binge eating, or developing an overall unhealthy relationship with food.

As a pharmacy in Grand Prairie, Texas we’re providing you the following tips on how you can effectively incorporate carbohydrates in your diet.

  • Remember that carbs, in and of themselves, are not the enemy
    You can maintain a healthy diet while still incorporating carbohydrates in your diet; it’s simply a matter of choosing nutrient-dense sources of carbohydrates, eating mindfully to keep portion sizes in check, and pairing carbs with good sources of protein and healthy fats, when possible.
  • Know which carbs to consume
    Aim to get the majority of daily carbs from things like fruit, whole grains, legumes, and veggies and minimize refined or processed carbs—things like white bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, and other sugary foods or beverages.
  • Understand your personal needs and tolerance
    Everybody has their own unique genetic makeup and dietary needs, so the way carbohydrates impact your blood sugar levels may differ from somebody else. There are a couple of local pharmacies in Texas that offer free health evaluations, so best utilize this to find out.

AcuScript Pharmacy is an independent pharmacy in Texas. We offer various services that you and your loved ones can benefit from during the summer season. Contact us for more information at 469-909-4093.

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